Citation Issues

Help with formulation a Birth Source Citation

On FS I found a birth source which takes me to a page that does not show the actual record.  The page provides the details:

Name, Cornelius Carmack; Sex, Male; Father's Name, William Carmack; Father's Sex, Male; Mother's Name, Jane; Mother's Sex, Female; Event Type, Birth; Event Date, 18 Jun 1736; Event Place, Frederick, Maryland, United States

The link is:

Citing to New York State Appellate Division, Records & Briefs


I am sorry to become a perennial nuisance on this forum, but I am having a great deal of difficulty figuring out how to accurately cite Records & Briefs from the New York State Appellate Division, which are contained within a published volume.

Another agency/author question

I'm trying to cite a government publication. On the title pages it states "Compiled Under the Direction of the Secretary of the Interior" and then names the compiler.

I realize that we typically cite the agency as the author, but do we also cite the compiler when one is given?


Canadian "Directorate of Movements" collection - Citing the convoy records

I have the EE-book, ed. 3 (revised). I'm trying to decide what "style" of citation to use for the following case. I'm thinking that it lends itself to using something like the QuickCheck Model, Archived Manuscript Records (Series as lead element in Source List). If there is a more appropriate "style", I would appreciate hearing which one is recommended.


Citing an ordination file for a minister?

My grandmother was an ordained minister. I contacted the church that ordained her, to see if they had any records they'd be willing to share - specifically her ordination certificate. They advised that they don't maintain copies of the actual certificates, but what they do maintain is a "Registration Form for Ministerial Office." A copy is below. I'm trying to figure out how to cite this. I did receive it as an image copy, but via e-mail from the church office.

Alternate presentation formats for citation of general images and headshots?

While I would like to reference headshots and images that are not linked to "events" or "attributes", my software does not provide the ability to do so. This is likely a widespread issue and relevant to other genealogists and family historians, as the current GEDCOM 5.5.1 doesn't actually have provisions that support it. In short; many programs require an image to be attached to source via an event or attribute. They cannot handle citations attached directly to images. This is why census images and the like are not an issue, but headshots are a problem.

Church book images - target information vs book titles

I am working with images of church records found at Ancestry, and I am hoping for some feedback on my citation attempt.  The images are of church books in Norwegian, with several listed in one filmstrip.  All books in the filmstrip have targets starting with FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH, NORTHWOOD, IOWA, but the books are from different congregations of the church.  The books have different sections for baptisms, confirmations, marriages, etc.  Here's what I have settled on:

Layer 1:

Personal correspondence or an archive?

I received some documents via email from a librarian. I am tempted to cite them as part of an archive, but I also know we should cite what we use, and I have not physically visited this library, so should I cite the email I received or the archives from which the attached documents came?



Repeat Citations

Do citations need to be repeated once a fact (like a birth or marriage) has been established? For example, in a KDP, the birth, death and marriage dates are listed for each child and then reported again when the child is discussed later. Is the same information cited again?

I think I remember reading somewhere that it didn't, but I can't find the reference now. I could also be remembering incorrectly.
