Evidence Analysis Process Map

DNA, EAM, GPS & 'Proof'

Oh, joy! Testing Company XYZ has just posted a new match for me! It confirms just what I thought! He and I both descend from Will Whoozit and his wife Alice!

Hmhh. Confirms? How?

EE Mon, 11/12/2018 - 19:52
EAM & GPS: Newsflash! Siblings, not Twins
In another forum, a researcher asks how the "GPS" and its breakdown of sources vs. information vs. evidence applies to DNA.It’s a spot-on question in today’s research world, but it can’t be answered without straightening out a bit of confusion:
EE Mon, 11/12/2018 - 17:09
Best Practices for Reliable Research
2 December 2014 In every piece of dependable research, we see eight qualities ...
EE Tue, 12/02/2014 - 07:00