Citing Legal Registrations
8 December 2014 Across centuries of recorded history, many classes of people have had to legally register themselves—voters, military-aged men, free people of color in slave regimes, aliens during a time of war, and "just plain folk" on the occasions of their births, marriages, and deaths.
EE Mon, 12/08/2014 - 07:00
Building a Case
5 December 2014 As historical researchers, our role has much in common with prosecutors in a court case. When we search historical records, we search for information we can use as evidence. ...
EE Fri, 12/05/2014 - 07:00
Incomplete Research
29 November 2014 Your front door is solid wood. In the middle, there's a peep hole. Your doorbell rings. You look through the peephole and see a pretty face. Smiling. She looks friendly. You open the door and ...
EE Sat, 11/29/2014 - 07:00