Citation Issues

NGS citation

More for fun and giggles, but when citing a talk from this years NGS conference, what's the location? I'm citing Judy's talk on the Breaker Boys and Spinner girls and technically we never were in Salt Lake :) 

So Salt Lake, virtual, online, or ...


PS I'm sure it's Salt Lake as that's what all the documents say, but it does bring up an interesting point as it was a very different conference.

Report format for two living spouses for the same deceased individual

I've run into two living spouses. I've been entrenched in researching the distant past I've never had to include living names in a report. Is there a standard format to indicate marriages exist with living ex-spouses? Do you report the marriage places and dates but note the spouses as LIVING? Is there a good source for handling reports that include the living?

citing the National Archives UK from a record imaged at Ancestry

Just need some tips on citing the source of the source for this item.

It appears that Ancestry has all the right pieces in what they suggest as a citation. I could use exactly that, put it all in quotes and call it a day.

Autographed document on Ebay

I'm thinking through citing an item for sale on ebay. It's a check with a signature on it that shows the person's signature on a specific date, before they changed it to another spelling. Do eBay listings get cached by the Wayback Machine? To be safe do I cite the whole listing URL in the footnote? Once it's sold the "repository" will be unknown. Is that a problem? Is  it better for me to buy it and state ebay as the provenance and me as the repository? Too may questions? 

Layered Source Citations: What Comes First?

I'm trying to settle on a consistent and accurate way to cite images from online databases such as Ancestry and FamilySearch and keep running into issues. For this example, I'll use an online image of an NYC marriage record on FamilySearch.

The issue at hand:

• According to QuickLesson 25, the way you site databases with images is as such: 

citing abstract and translation of document in Dutch

I have images of notarial documents from the Netherlands. These are land records, hand written in the 19th century and 2-8 pages in length. I don't speak or read Dutch. I engaged a professional genealogist to translate them. He suggested that he abstract them first to save money and if required later provide a full translation. The question is how to cite the document and abstract.

Do I put the author of the abstract at the beginning of the citation? Or do I place the abstract information at the end of the citation using "citing". Or some other approach to this citation?

Citing an English Version of a German Birth Certificate

I am having trouble coming up with an appropriate citation for the english version of a german birth certificate. My grandmother, Katharina Faust, would have needed to have this translated and transcribed when she immigrated from Germany to America with her US Army husband. It appears to have been translated on 8 August 1963 in Marburg an der Lahn by an Ernst M Brugger with the Bavarian Translation Service aka Bayerischer Übersetzungsdienst for the cost of 1.00 Deutsche Mark.

Search or Browse

Dear Editor,

Working on crafting citations, based on the records that I have found, reviewed, analyzed, I have figured out, for myself, when to you Way Points. I wanted to see if the my thought process was close.

If I can search for, or find hints for a record of a person of interest, my citation would include the Specific Item of Interest entry, as shown in the QuickSheet, Citing Ancestry Databases & Images, 2nd Edition.

However, if I use a Browse feature from Ancestry or FamilySearch (for example), then I would use Way Points.

Source of the Source

Dear Editor,

If I do not use the term "Source Citation" as being one thing, but a Source and Citation, two parts of a Full Reference Note, Would the Source of the Source be part of the Source?

For Example: QuickSheet, Citing Ancestry Databases & Images, Basic Format: Databases Created by Ancestry, the "citing" part of Full Reference Note, for me, helps define the Source and it's is included in the Full Reference Note at the end. 

Unidentified Register

I have been citing some English parish registers on Ancestry for a while now, most of which do not have a book cover, cover page or target and are sometimes lumped together with other registers. Typically I tend to start with the image and I am starting to question how I have been identifying the registers. I have been titling them "Untitled Register" when I haven't been able to find any of those elements in which to identify it. I think I took an example from this site somewhere and modified it.

Here's an example.